Managing Projects,
Events, and Communities
Project Management combines my favorite parts of any work: The vision-making, the investigation of complex issues, the intervention planning and management, and the satisfying evaluation at the end of it all. I have since been lucky enough to get better at managing projects, events and communities through multiple early-stage projects – the latest of which were two new categories in the portfolio of the Falling Walls Foundation that I helped to grow.
July 2020
Falling Walls establishes “Future Learning” and “Science and Innovation Management”.
September 2020
“Future Learning” has the largest number of nominations of all of the 10 Falling Walls categories: 101 nominees from 40 nations.
November 2020
“Future Learning” and “Science and Innovation Management” are part of the Virtual Falling Walls World Science Summit. The summit draws an audience of 64k from 138 countries.
February 2021
“Future Learning” co-hosts a 2-day virtual conference on the Future of Education with 59 international higher education stakeholders. “Science and Innovation Management” hosts informal dialogues between industry leaders in the health sector.
July 2022
The network of Falling Walls “Future Learning” and “Science and Innovation Management” counts over 700 international leaders in learning and innovation.
Here are a few more things I've started
(or attempted to start)

Utopia on my Mind is a podcast that I’ve started in 2020 during the SARS-CoV2 pandemic. It curates and discusses people’s visions for a better world.
Nebenraum was another pandemic podcast project that was born out of the German Hackathon “WirvsVirus” and dealt with mental health during the pandemic.
LaOla was a social intervention project that wanted to reimagine protest culture and turn it into more holistic, inclusive, and productive experiences.
VeggieVillage was a website project that aimed to become a mixture of social community and wikipedia on sustainable lifestyle – particularly for intentional communities.